Use the commands on the Windows menu to open the Results Panel and switch between open models.
Will open the Causal Lens™ allowing you to investigate why behavior is occurring, based on graphs of a variable and its causes.
Will open the interface window on the current model. This menu item is available only in Stella Architect and iThink. The model window will remain open.
Will open the model window on the current model. This menu item is available only in Stella Architect and iThink. The interface window will remain open.
Will open the Parameter Control Panel allowing you to see, and set, which variables are being controlled through the interface or as a result of changing values in Explore mode.
Will open the Results Panel. You can also do this by right-clicking on any variable. If the Panel is docked, it will be made active, otherwise it will appear in top of the current window.
Will open the Runs Comparison window allows you to see the differences between two runs.
Will open theAssemblies Panel supporting the addition of assemblies to the model you are working on.
Will open the CLD Loops Panel showing you the loops in your CLD and allowing you to headlight them and automatically create Loop Labels for them. This menu item is only available when working in The CLD Window.
Will open the Message Log panel, which lists issues discovered opening the model, simulation range and error checking, and optimizer results.
Will open the Module Navigation Panel, which lists all modules hierarchically making it easy to jump between them.
Will open then Array Selection Panel allowing you to control which array elements are displayed in graphs and tables, including on the Results Panel
Will open the Virtual Assistant that can be used as part of the model creation process by harnessing the power or AI.
Will put the panel, all toolbars and all analysis windows to their default location and visibility (the analysis windows will be hidden). This is useful if you have placed a toolbar or window in a place that makes it hard to find, as can happen when changing external monitor configurations.
The remaining menu items are the names of the models you have open. Click on any one of them to bring that model forward. On Windows, you can also use Alt+Tab to move between models.