Non-Linear Analytics
An increasing proportion of strategic Value Management assignments that I take on do not lend themselves to traditional analytical methods, notably linear spreadsheet models.
That’s where Stella becomes an essential tool and isee systems a valued partner who provide an extraordinary level of support, just when I need it.
Roger Davies, Managing Director, Impact Dynamics
Understanding Complexity
Cellular respiration is very complicated, very dynamic and there are lots of interactions. We use the Stella model to answer the question ‘How do you get energy from a
glucose molecule to make adenosine triphosphate, ATP?’ The model makes it easier for students to see how the process works over time.
Jon Darkow, Science Teacher, Seneca East High School
Strategic Prediction
As both a practitioner of strategic systems planning, and an educator, I have been a frequent and enthusiastic user and supporter of Stella system dynamics software.
It is intuitive, user-friendly, robust, and, most of all, a wonderful tool to expose decision makers to the non-linearities and potential behavioral outcomes of complex systems.
Capt. Wayne Porter, US Navy (ret)
Experiment Safely
"After ten years of modeling with System Dynamics, last year I switched to Stella Pro as my primary modeling application because of its user interface, presentation-ready graphics,
and its increased graphics storage capability. These capabilities are useful model delayed differential equations in economics. They were also useful while doing research...
on modeling with soft variables.
Pascal Gambardella, PhD., President, Neuro-Semantic Institute
Presentation Ready
I built a model to analyse how the increasing spread of rooftop solar in the US will affect regulated electric utilities, and the potential for what has become known as the ‘utilities death spiral’.
I chose to use Stella to build this model because it was the best software for presenting models in a user-friendly way.
Conor Meehan, Loops Consulting
Complex Dynamics
The stock and flow map enables a rich and effective dialogue about complex dynamics that can't happen any other way. The simulation model has actually taught practitioners a whole new way of thinking
about hemoglobin and EPO. Stella and Systems Thinking may well be the tools we need to bring about fundamental improvements in healthcare delivery systems that we must achieve.
Jim Rogers, Managing Director, Advance Management Group
Interactive Results
Agriculture is based on soils, plants, animals, and climate and you can’t control many variables across those elements. Using Systems investigate and understand
agricultural related problems, like range management and forage supply and demand, is very appealing.
Ben Turner, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M
Unintended Consequences
Stella gives you...the power to model complex interdependent systems. Moving fuels, rail cars, trucks and barges; the impact of variability, uncertainty and stock-outs are easily addressed.
Very expensive errors have been made by managers because they lack the understanding of the interdependencies between components of complex operational or supply systems.
The intuitive choice is sometimes the worst choice.
Dr. David B. Hoffman, Professor of Business and Consultant, University of Alaska
Intuitive Interface
There are a lot of marine science models built with complex programming languages like Fortran that run on expensive, high performance computers. I wanted to create an adaptable
model that would reduce complexity. Stella models can do much of what programmed models do and...students and local decision-makers can explore their own systems.
Dr. Mark J. Brush, Associate Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science