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Faculty Resources

Over the years, we have talked with many professors who are interested in using Stella in the classroom but are unsure where to begin. We're pleased to announce that we are collaborating with faculty partners with extensive experience in teaching with dynamic modeling and simulations in their different fields to provide materials and resources that we’ve collected here for easy access. Let us know if you have questions. You can contact us at, through chat on this page, or call +1 (603) 448-4990.

Integrating Dynamic Modeling and Simulation into Your Courses webinar series

Each webinar in this ongoing series will be presented by a guest professor from a different field. Presenters will highlight how they incorporate dynamic modeling into their courses and give tips and tricks they've learned along the way. View the schedule for upcoming webinars and access previous webinars below.

Integrating Dynamic Modeling into Civil Engineering Courses

Learn how to incorporate dynamic modeling and simulations into your civil engineering courses with Dr. Rajib Mallick from the University of Texas at El Paso. Dr. Mallick has taught civil engineering for over twenty-three years. In this webinar, he discusses how he introduces the principles of system dynamics, demonstrates them with respect to problems in transportation engineering, and helps develop strategic views of problems and solutions to facilitate the development of policies that would lead to long-term benefits.

Integrating Dynamic Modeling and Simulation into Your Socio-Ecological Courses

Dr. Russell Richards highlights how he has used system dynamics modeling to engage with students at the University of Queensland, both in terms of students specifically studying the use of system dynamics and those studying other disciplines. He has sought to merge gamification and system dynamics to develop bespoke models that can be used in the classroom to provide an immersive experience. This seminar showcases some of these gamified models—all of which have been designed using Stella Architect, and some of which have subsequently been transferred to gaming software (Unity3D). This journey into gamification has been a learning experience for Dr. Richards himself, and he will not only cover what went well but also what didn’t.

Convincing your administration

Professors are often required to show their administration how software is beneficial to their curriculum before they can adopt it. Several of our partners have offered the following points that are beneficial when presenting dynamic modeling and simulations to their administrators.

  • What is dynamic modeling? Dynamic modeling is a problem-solving tool. It shows how a complex system reacts to various inputs or events over time and can indicate weaknesses before they become major issues. Models help predict behavior and allow people to conduct trial and error simulations to determine the best outcomes and optimize performance.

  • How will it improve the current curriculum? Incorporating dynamic modeling into your courses will reinforce the core concepts of the field. Modeling is a wonderful teacher. As students model complex problems, they achieve a greater understanding of the system as it currently exists, what factors could be causing the problem, and solutions that have been or could be applied.

    Stepping back and taking a systemic view allows students to look beyond the linear problem-solving perspective and identify pitfalls and knowledge gaps. Models allow them to visually see how different sectors (i.e. species, departments) interact and the impact each has on the system. They begin to acknowledge quick fixes that work today may not be the best for the future.

  • How will it impact students? By studying dynamic modeling, students learn to take responsibility for their education. Instead of simply taking a result at face value from books or lectures, they discover facts for themselves by developing what-if scenarios and seeing how they play out. Topics that interest them can be explored deeper, creating excellent opportunities for projects, capstones, or theses.

    Students' knowledge evolves as they work through the modeling process to find the optimal solution. They also learn that problem solving is a social, collaborative process. To determine a problem’s systemic causes, they must often rely on not only their modeling skills, but on the perspectives of experts and stakeholders. To make an impact with their findings, they must develop a model that communicates effectively to the public. These skills are highly sought after and will benefit their careers.

Student engagement

“Today’s students are tomorrow’s faculty, so it is important to inspire them.” -Dr. Rajib Mallick

We have had the privilege to see many spectacular student projects. To celebrate their work and illustrate the diverse projects students have successfully completed using dynamic modeling, we have created a “Show us your work” challenge.

We invite students to send us a three-to-five-minute video overview of their completed modeling project. We will post high-quality videos on our social media channels to both highlight and share the student’s work.

**Videos should be no more than five mins. Students should submit their social media handles so we can tag them in our posts. Submissions can be sent to with the subject ‘Show us your work’ challenge.


These books and papers are recommended by our partner professors.

General Introduction

Fisher, D. (2017). Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course. Lebanon, NH. isee systems, inc. Learn more.

Meadows, D. (2008). Thinking in Systems. White River Junction, VT. Chelsea Green Publishing. Learn more.

Richmond, B. (2004). Introduction to Systems Thinking: Standard Edition. isee systems,inc. Learn more.

Roberts, N. (1983). Introduction to Computer Simulation: The System Dynamics Approach. Reading, MA. Addison-Wesley. Learn more.

Senge, P. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization. New York, NY. Doubleday. Learn more.

Civil Engineering

Mallick, R. (2023). System Dynamics for Complex Problems in Pavement Engineering. Raton, FL. CRC Press. Learn more.


Hargroves, J. (1998). Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences. New York, NY. Springer Science+ Business Media. Learn more.


Sterman, J. (2000). Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Education. Learn more.


Ford, A. (2009). Modeling the Environment. 2nd ed. Washington, DC. Island Press. Learn more.


Jägerskog, A. S. (2020). Using Visual Representations to Enhance Students’ Understanding of Causal Relationships in Price. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65(6), 986–1003. Learn more.

Wheat, I. David. (2024). Useful Macroeconomics. Kendall Hunt Publishing. Learn more.

Grading Causal Loop Diagrams

Kastens, K.A., Wakeland, W., Shipley, T.F. (2024). Developing and Field-testing a Rubric for Evaluating Students' Causal Loop Diagrams. Proceedings of the International Systems Dynamics Conference. Learn more.

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