What's New (Release Notes for Stella 3.8)
Stella® makes it easy to build, understand, and share your models.
To learn about all the changes we're making as we evolve the product, check out the Release Notes for Stella 3.8.
This documentation is organized into several sections, to make it faster for you to find the information you need.
Getting Started: Where to Begin gives guidance on how to get started with developing models and interfaces.
Tips and Tricks: Want to get going with the mechanics? For both new users and users of older STELLA and iThink products, a great place to get started is Tips and Tricks for getting the most from Stella.
Understanding the Model Diagram Object Iconography tells you what the different symbols used in a model mean.
Example Models: Example Models provides a number of small models that use different Stella functionality.
What's different: We have tried to keep the simplicity of early Stella versions while making more powerful and usable. For longtime iThink and STELLA users, read What's Different in the Latest Stella to see how the way you do some things might have changed.
If you're looking for particular topics, you can use the search feature in the upper right-hand corner of your browser, or the contents panel to the left to quickly find specific topics.
This documentation covers everything, which means that not all sections may apply to the software you're using. When this isn't obvious from context, section heads will be marked with either Model or Interface to indicate that they're model or interface related only. Anything marked Model isn't applicable to users of Stella Designer, and anything marked Interface isn't applicable to users of Stella Professional.