Keyboard Shortcuts and Key Combinations

There are a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can be used with Stella. Most of these follow the standards for applications (e.g. Ctrl+C/⌘+C for copy and Ctrl+V/⌘+V for paste).

Context Action Windows Macintosh
All Close Model Ctrl+W ⌘+W
  Copy Selection Ctrl+C ⌘+C
  Copy Selected Elements (not adding connectors) Shift+Ctrl+C Shift+⌘+C
  Cut Selection Ctrl+X ⌘+X
  Edit Mode Ctrl+E ⌘+E
  Exit Software Ctrl+Q or Alt-F4 ⌘+Q
  Export All Shit+Ctrl+X Shift+⌘+X
  Explore/Experiment Mode Shift+Ctrl+E Shift+⌘+E
  Help (open documentation) F1 F1
  Import All Shift+Ctrl+M Shift+⌘+O
  Open Model Ctrl+O ⌘+O
  Paste Ctrl+V ⌘+V
  New Model Ctrl+N ⌘+N
  Quit Ctrl+Q ⌘+Q
  Redo Last Undo Ctrl+Y ⌘+Y
  Restore All Inputs Shift+Ctrl+I Shift+⌘+I
  Restore All Outputs Shift+Ctrl+O Shift+⌘+O
  Restore All Devices (input and outputs) Shift+Ctrl+R Shift+⌘+R
  Run Model Ctrl+R ⌘+R
  Save Model Ctrl+S ⌘+S
  Save Model As Shift+Ctrl+S Shift+⌘+S
  Select All Ctrl+A ⌘+A
  Select All Connectors (model only Shift+Ctrl+A Shift+⌘+A
  Undo Last Change Ctrl+Z ⌘+Z
  Zoom In Ctrl++/Ctrl+= ⌘++/⌘+=
  Zoom Out Ctrl+- ⌘+-
  Zoom to 100% Ctrl+0 ⌘+0
Model Select Variable (don't edit name) Shift+Ctrl+Click Shift+⌘+Click
  Find (opens the Find) Ctrl+F ⌘+F
  Find and Replace (opens dialog)



  Find Next (for ghosts) Ctrl+G ⌘+G
  List Functions (in equation panel) Ctrl+Space ⌘+Space
  Interface Window Ctrl+I ⌘+I
  Navigate to the Home Module Ctrl+Shift+↑ ⌘+Shift+↑
  Navigate up one module Ctrl+↑ ⌘+↑
  Paste Ctrl+V ⌘+V
  Print Current Model or Page Ctrl+P ⌘+P
  Results Panel Ctrl+D ⌘+D
  Run Specs Alt+Ctrl+R Alt+⌘+R
  Select Stock Tool Ctrl+1 ⌘+1
  Select Flow Tool Ctrl+2 ⌘+2
  Select Converter Tool (Var tool on CLD) Ctrl+3 ⌘+3
  Select Connector Tool Ctrl+4 ⌘+4
  Select Module Tool Ctrl+5 ⌘+5
  Select Ghost Tool Ctrl+6 ⌘+6
  Unit Editor Ctrl+U ⌘+U
  Zoom In Ctrl++ ⌘++
  Zoom Out Ctrl+- ⌘+-
Interface Edit Mode (from presentation mode) Esc Esc
  Open Model Window Ctrl+M ⌘+M
  Presentation Mode (full screen) F5 F5
  Presentation Mode (windowed) Shift+F5 Shift+F5

Key-Mouse Combinations

Alt+Click/Drag - Repeats the last build action on the model or the interface.

Shift+Drag - When resizing maintains the aspect ratio. When dragging moves horizontally or vertically only. When adding a flow or connector drops an anchor point. When not on any object it will scroll the window.

Ctrl+Shift+Click (⌘+Shift+Click) opens the results panel on the variable clicked on when in Explore mode (model only).

Ctrl+Drag (⌘+Drag) Move a variable onto a graph or a table or into a panel entry such as a summing converter.