Publishing a Paid Sim

If you want to publish your model interface as a sim on the isee Exchange and you only want certain people to see it, or you want to collect data, or you want other capabilities that are not free, follow the procedure below.

Note Using the Data Collection or other paid features with a published model requires the same process with or without authentication.

  1. Open the interface window to your Model in Stella Architect.

  2. Open the Interface Settings Panel on the interface and find the button “Configure Publishing Options” to get this window.

  3. Select the options you would like for your Sim and click OK.

  4. Under the File menu, select Publish.
  5. You will be prompted to log in with your email address and the password that you created for the isee Exchange( This is different than your account on

  6. Once you are signed in, you will come to the model publishing page, either on the Update Existing or Create New tab.

  7. Select Create Paid tab:

  8. Enter a name for the Sim. By default, the URL to the Sim will use the name you provide. You can also add a description and keywords. Alternatively, you can come back to do this later, or leave them blank if the Sim will not be included in the directory anyway.

    Note At this point your new Sim App will be shown as a publication target, but it will be grayed until processing of your Hosted Subscription request.

  9. Contact isee systems to purchase the appropriate Hosting plan. After you’ve purchased a Hosting subscription, isee systems will add authentication and server side computation as requested to the Sim and notify you when it is ready.

  10. Open the interface window for the model. Under the File menu, select Publish. This will bring you to your Exchange Home page. Locate the authenticated simulation in the list.

  11. Click on Update for the appropriate Sim App. Now your Sim is published with authentication.

Continue to Adding Users to Authenticated Sims to see the process for inviting users to have access to your published sim.